Sunday 6 March 2011


Hi everybody!

I´m going to talk about a magazine that I usually buy, and you will think,“ Hmm, if she buys it, she will only say good things about it ”, well it´s just the opposite. I´ve been thinking about it and I have realized that this magazine, named “CUORE”, is just a useless magazine that consists of criticizing famous people and their defects.

This magazine is a way to make fun of celebrities and also take our money. In my opinion, aren´t we taught from childhood to respect others despite their defects? So why do we read the kind of magazines that say just the opposite?

And you will think that Cuore also informs us about current events, comments on films, offers crosswords … and of course this is a valid point. But it’s a bit cruel saying , for example, that Angelina Jolie has prominent veins on her arms or that when Shakira wants to enjoy a day on the beach, those extra pounds are showing.

But taking all this into account, the strangest thing is that we continue to buy this magazine, myself included. But seriously, I’m going to think again before buying this magazine.

I really want to know your opinion, what do you think?


  1. Hey!
    I read that magazine every week. I like it a lot because it shows that celebrities aren`t perfect but I should say that sometimes they are really harmful with what they write about some celebrities. The magazine have several articles about news, crosswords .. but mostly it consists in critizism. Taking all this into account I conclude saying that it is not an educative magazine but I like it because it is different ! JENNI

  2. In my opinion,this magazine should�t be so strong with its critizism,but....if it would be the opposite,I mean,if celebrities�defects weren�t brought to ligth,do you think it would be so purchased?


  3. hey!
    well I think that these kinds of magazines (I buy them also) are done to obtain money of the people who buys it, but, well, I think that is a bit cruel to criticize people's defects but it also shows that nobody is perfect. And I'm sure that anyone would like people to do this for them.
    that's my opinion.

  4. I have read that magazine sometimes and I support your oppinion.I don't like it too much because it only consist about mistakes that the celebrities do and I think we should spent our money in other types of magazines or in newspapers that inform as about what is happening on the world.

  5. Well, I have to say that you've got the reason, it's true they critisize people a lot. However, I personnally like it, because it is funny, so I will continue buying it. BLANCA

  6. I buy this magazine and I like it. I don´t thing showing celebrities' defects is not bad because this way we realise that they are human like us.The image we have in our minds about them is almost perfect and showing their " weak points" makes me up. When I read it i enjoy it. Laura P.

  7. This and other maganizines like it exist because people buy them. It is a waste of money and time, and without talking about other enviromental problems ( and then people protest against industries who are cutting trees.. let's begin by here!). On this magazines any kind of famous person is carried to place similar to waste and the worse thing is that people enjoy reading about other ones problems... The world is crazy...

  8. Hey ya! (:
    Em... Yes... We SHOULD stopped buying it, and I'll do it (no haha), because, also we all know that reading it is bad and it's not right, we still doing it, you know why? Because is very easy realised that Hollywood people have the same defects (or even more) than you, and that, for example, the reluctant Selena Gomez also can have a zit or that the "great" Justin Bieber can also have an slip x). But what I really think is that, this type of magazine, are just a very relatively cheap market at the expense of the other people's defects.
    All things considered, as a Cuore fan, I have to said that: I'll buy tomorrow ;)

  9. I buy Cuore every week. And I like it a lot, it reflects reality, it shows how celebrities are. Normal people with the same defects like us. To conclude I only said that I will continue buying it, because I enjoy it. EMMA.
