Sunday 27 February 2011

TRAVELLING - Holidays on the moon

Some experts say it will be possible in four or five years, others say it will happen in 2020 and there are even some agencies who suggest this new phenomena will occur in months. The clear fact is that travelling to the moon on holidays is becoming less and less strange as time passes. It doesn’t sound any more like a science-fiction book or movie but real life.

On an Internet video, NASA is inviting citizens of The Earth to participate in space travel to the moon aboard the Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO). This new project forms part of NASA’s plan to return to the moon for investigating and researching safe landing sites, different new resources and radiation in its environment.

Europe doesn’t want to be left behind, so it is planning moon travel before 2018. The space mission will be done with no crew on board so as to explore the south pole of our satellite and discover more about it.

The topic that I am sure most of you care about is the question we are all wondering: When and how will we be able to travel in a rocket and watch the stars live?

The future, as you know, is not very clear but what is certain is that a Californian company has already started to sell tickets to see outer space for the “low” price of $200,000 and what is more; Sergey Bryn has paid them $5 million to be the fist one to have the fantastic experience of seeing space.

The latest, most recent news says Russia launched a satellite which could be used in the future as a hotel prototype. The space hotel that has been designed to be formed of several inflatable modules could be assembled by the end of the year 2015 but will cost $500 million dollars to build.


  1. I am amazed with what the author of this post said about travelling to the moon in months! I don't think so but science is advancing and improving every day so it is not completely inmpossible. However, I will like to travel there and see how is it! Jenni

  2. I'm excited about this idea.
    When I read this post, my eyes were like sparks.I couldn�t believe what I was reading. Until not so long ago, the idea of travelling to space was like an impossible dream, but today is only a matter of preparation and a lot of money haha!
    This has become posSible thanks to the great improvements the science field is constantly making.


  3. Well, it is possible that it happens someday, but as it is said, I will believe it when I see it. I think common people won't be able to go to the Moon as to any other place, not only because of the money, because it would cause a lot of pollution and decontrol. BLANCA

  4. OMG! If this became true, I would be the firs... (Ah, no, the first would be Sergey Bryn), so the second in travelling to the Moon ;)
    I completely support the text, all very beautiful and fantastic, but, 'til I don'y see it, I won't believe it!
    On the other hand I think is very pecipitate doing that, not because all it pollutes, but because of the clear point: If we don't know OUR daily workd, for what we are going to waste money spending our holidays in "another world"?

  5. Interesting travel, but it will be very expensive, and not so many people could go there.
