Wednesday 25 May 2011


I‘ve always thought Americans were a bit strange and weird, very different from us. But after reading this I’m sure you’ll change you minds and you’ll start to think they are in fact completely mad. If not, take a look at some of their crazy laws:

In Washington lollipops are banned, you are not allowed to sleep on a refrigerator in Pennsylvania, in Nevada you cannot ride a camel along the highway and in Florida you may not fart in a public place after 6:00pm on Thursdays.

And you would say, these laws must be old and in disuse. It is true that many of them were made in old western times such as; not sleeping with your shoes on, not standing upright at a bar (if you are a man) or singing off key. But at the same time they are all still in force now.

There is a kind of obsession for introducing laws on a certain topic. For example, there are several regulations related to Sundays: not working on this day, except to sell light bulbs or riding a merry-go-round. At the same time, you are neither allowed to sell cars nor sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer.

Women have certain old laws just for them too, as they must have their husband’s permission to wear false teeth or they cannot wear a red dress out in the street after 7:00 pm! There is also a special law which prohibits unmarried women to go parachuting on Sundays.

If a child burps in church, his or her parents are the only ones responsible and will be arrested.

In my opinion the most curious laws, and I think you’ll agree with me, are the ones based on Bathtubs: they must have feet, sing in them is forbidden in Pennsylvania and donkeys cannot sleep in them.

To conclude, although there are plenty of silly, senseless American laws, it is important for a country to have a legal system like the USA’s.

And here I finish my post with the funniest Texan law. Criminals may give their victims 24 hours warning, either orally or in writing, explaining the nature of the crime to be committed.


  1. I already know that they aren´t as us but, of course, I don´t think those laws can exist.
    The law about the toothbrusses is really senseless.
    I have been searching more crazy laws and I have found that in some countries men were not allow to use ties.
    In Finland, you should know how to read to get married and, in New Jersey you can be punished if you make noise when eating your meal in a restaurant.
    The world is mad friends!

  2. The comment above is mine, Jenni´s

  3. How is it possible to ban lollipops? they are just sweets.
    And how are they going to arrest the parents of a baby who has burp in the church, they can't control the actions of their children.
    And this laws which ban things from an hour and at a specific day, why that day yes and the others no? What do unmarried women have that don't allow them to parachute on Sundays.
    These people have a lot of free time :)

  4. I agree with the one who wrote this post; Americans are completely mad. However, for them these laws seem to be normal and, maybe, our laws seem for them crazy. It's a question of culture.

  5. I just can't understand how these laws exist, what is more, I don't really believe they are actually used, because they are just taking away freedom. However, I agree with Dani, maybe that's usual for them and we are the strange ones ;)

  6. It is unbelievable that in our days,these laws exist.How could people lost their time like this?
    If instead of inventing stupid and crazy laws such as the one of the lollipop or the one which bans women to parachute on Sundays,they were more concerned about their actions,the world would be better.

    Moreover,I do not beleive them at all.They take off our freedom,and actually it is one of the most important human rights.


  7. A dancing 3D girl
