Sunday 23 January 2011


Football is a sport that everyone knows. It was invented by the Egyptians and it has been very well accepted by society. Everyone is supposed to like football and if not they are considered to be very strange. Football is the most popular sport even when we are small.

Football is also the most promoted sport, on television, on the radio, in the newspapers… Also, football causes a great economic loss, due to the publicity and the money that the players receive. On the one hand, it is unfair because not all sports have the same publicity and are not as well paid as football is. Spain is going through a financial crisis, but some football players earn millions and millions of Euros every year.

Some people get really nervous when they are watching a football match, and it wouldn’t be a problem if the radical groups didn’t exist. These radical groups don’t respect the opposing team and throw objects such as bottles or flares onto the football pitch.

Football also creates idols and many people want to be professional football players and make a living from it. As happens with fame in general, many football players who are really good become rich and famous when they are young, but they usually have problems with drink and drugs. Also, some of them leave their studies very early and when they stop playing football they don’t have work.

So, football is a good sport that nearly everyone likes, but it is has too much publicity in comparison with other sports.


  1. I agree completely with this post.It shows us the true reality, I mean , a group of people (men),received a lot of money just because they kick a ball.And here don´t finish all , some of them received more money than the others , WHY?? : I have the answer , because they kick the ball with more style than them hahaha!

    I make this comment because if we analyze the situation...its like that.
    They only entertain people for a while (which is really good) but I think it is not fair.
    There are a lot of people doing excellent works or needing some kind of economic help and actually they received not even the quarter part of what this men earn.

    From my point of view,ok,it is not bad they received such quantity of money because actually it is their job,but in the times that run,the goverment could offer some of that money to the people who really need it.


  2. football is very interesting and all that, but you have only mentioned that football is the best payed sport and this is not fair; doctors earn less money than Ronaldo and the doctor prevents you and cures you from illneses, and what is doing Ronaldo for you, he patocinates uderwear.
    there are people like estudent that work for free searching for a cure for cancer and what that they get, the satisfation of knowing they are trying to change something in the World.


    Is it just the only sport in the world???
    Nothing more to say.


  4. I completely agree with Alejandra's opinion. It's not fair that, for example, in TV News, the Sport section, of 15 minutes that this section lasts, 13 of it are all about Football, and what I think is that yes, that in Spain, Football has a very important repercusion in our daily lifes, but, what I mean is the following: In my opinion, Football is just a very easy way of earning money because I see that sport instead of seen ir as an sport, as a "spot", with it, the only thing you do is earning that, MONEY.

    I practise other sport different from the "famous Football" and is frustrating to see the News, waiting anxiously the Sport section for knowing something more abour your sport and the only thing you see in there is the continuous victory of 22 G U Y S (also a machist point, but this is something out of the path, haha)running in underpants following a silly thing round, and what? For doing that they earned millions and millions of euros... Meanwhile, people in Spain are suffering the huge crisis, and many families are now in the poor...
    I don't see profitable, sinceriously... With that testament, I think I've said all quite clearly, no? :P


  5. I hate FOOTBALL

  6. BUT I love watching MESSI - He's the best in the world

  7. I'm totally agree with ALEJANDRA, all is around football, come on, be realistic, its is necesary to speak all the days of football? I'm not saying that football is bad or something like that, I just think that is a good entretainment, but is not necessary to speak every day about it, and of course is not fair to the rest of the sports.
    I'm from a football team, okey, but I recognize that is really sad that a person who saves lives get less salary than a person who kicks a ball.
    that's my opinion : HOMLOF

  8. Very good sport, it is true that mostly all the sport news are principally centered in football, but that is because many people gain a lot of money, and they do many football publicity so that we always buy things about football.
