Monday 17 January 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I)

Since the fourth film of the “Harry Potter” series, the number of negative aspects of the films has increased.

I personally think that J.K. Rowling made a great job with her books, but the film adaptations were not a good idea in most cases. The director of the fifth and sixth film, David Yates, didn’t really see the point of this series. He didn’t receive very good criticism because he manipulated the story, changing things, omitting very important steps of the adventures, etc. and generally modifying it. Most of the fans of Harry Potter were frustrated when they saw the last two films and they hoped that the director
Alfonso Cuarón, the one who directed the third and best film “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” would return.

The 19th November 2010, the first part of the last film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was presented by the director David Gates, but the second will be presented in June 2011 in our country.

On my opinion, I think that Gates and the protagonist Daniel Radcliffe have woken up. Daniel had lost popularity since the fourth film. People started thinking that he didn’t put enough care and passion into his films and what he really wanted was to finish fast and start a new life outside the 10 long years he had dedicated to Harry Potter. Even though he has made many mistakes, in this last film he has done really well.

One positive aspect of the film is that the director has looked for new and very beautiful places to shoot the outdoor scenes. Apart from that, the film contains incredible special effects which show a great effort by the whole team. Moreover, the design team chose the clothes and makeup for every single moment of the film really well, e.g. when Harry is deformed, and it has more dramatic scenes thanks to the new gore (blood) that has been introduced. Finally, there are some very good scenes like the one in Malfoy’s house.

These are very good aspects that have been improved since the last films, but it also has some important bad aspects.

To begin with, the film leaves out some very important steps of the book, like the importance of the argument between Ron and Harry, which in the film is just superficial. Or when Lupin goes to visit the three in Sirius’ house and Harry gets angry with him. Secondly, another mistake is that in the film characters appear at a specific point but as time passes, they don’t appear again for the rest of the film. Finally, people don’t like the film being divided into two parts, it’s better to see it all at the same time and not one part now and then the other one a year later.

In conclusion, the complete film promises to be a very good film, and probably, one of the best of the series.


  1. I thing that it is not very easy adapt those huge books in only three or two hours, but as tey are one of the best collection I think that the director should have worked more on the details he lefted.
    However, the division of the last book into two parts tell us two things the first: As it is divides it shuld have more datails and the secon is that he had divided into two for earning more money and for creatin more interest in the final film.Ana Ceña

  2. I´m not a fan of Harry Potter series but I recognize that when you read some of the books,they really catch your attention and you want to continue reading and reading...

    Although I also prefer other type of films,I agree that they are amazing as a result of their spectecular special effects,the clothes their use for each scenary,and of course due to the action of the characters.
    Even though all the films are catchy,from my point of view,this one is not as good as the others.This is because they had omited some things which are on the book and I think that the tiniest details are the most important,as they are what characterized the different films.

    Another important thing they should have had into account is how people was going to react.
    What would they thougth and feel about having to wait a year until they can be able to watch the complete and last film they had been waiting for,so anxious and trilled.


  3. Ana is right, I think that they have split the film in two, to earn much (much much much) more money, and it is obvious because if you see the trailer (the video placed in the middle of the article) you can see that the film is completely finished... Taking in account that only with the first part they have reached 2.000$ millions they are gonna double this quantity next year... A good thechnique for them! Raul Herrera

  4. I think that apart from obtaining more money, it's necessary to make two parts. They have to make two parts because if not the resulting film from that book would last a lot of hours.
    Well, and refering to some important details that in the film are not included, I can't say anything, because I have just seen the films.

    Blanca Barranco

  5. I don't have much to say as I don't read the books but, I recognise that films are really good. You have to understand that adaptations must be weaker because it is difficult to summarize more tan 300 pages in two hours.
    However, I think that mostly every film was worse than the book from where it is taken.
    Jenni Blasco

  6. WOW! I'm a really fan of Harry Potter and of all the Saga, and I've read the books. As I read them, I can said, that the films are amazingly good adapted, of course, there are some details or even some actions that are missed in the films, but the first film of Harry Potter is really really really good adapted.

    Although the adaptations are very good, what I don't really know is hoy the directors are going to do the last part of the last film, because in the book it's so intense that I couldn't imagine how they'll do.

    All things considered I think that Harry Potter's Saga it's a Saga that moves the cinema industry, considering open spaces, special effects, clothes... etc.

    In my opinion, Harry Potter is a classic that almost everybody must see :)


  7. In relation with Marina's comment is true that the second part is going to be very intense; this is because in the first part they hadn't discovered something very relevant for the argument, this is the most intelligent tecnique they have use because if you saw the first part, for sure you are going to sea the second(you pay two times).They have only represent nearly one third of the hole book, in that case we can be prepare to watch the best fill ever seen in the Earth.


  8. Harry Potter is one of the best series of books I have read - and I think the films are generally good too, but it's better to use your own imagination.

  9. The reason for a second part (apart from the money) is the quantity of things that have to be resoluted.
    We can´t forget the horrocruxes,harry has to destroy them all to defeat Voldemort.
    It will be a difficult second part because it might me divided in 2 points of visions during the film ( Harry´s and Voldemort´s ones).
    It will be a very important part because of death characters that will take part on the story and we will have the theme of the souls, I cant say more but they will take a very important part on the final end.
    Ismael RUiz

  10. I have seen every Harry Potter film, and I must say that the two first ones are the best films. Maybe they don't have as much special effects as the last ones, but they have a better plot which make the suspense to be in the air. However, even the films are good it's better to read the books. If you haven't read any Harry Potter book, but you have seen every film, I recommend you to read them. I specially recommend to read the last book: you will discover things about the Deathly Hallows which are not shown in the film.

  11. I think that these Harry Potter´s films are very good, but as always occurs in films, it is almost impossible to show exactly what happens in the original books, but I liked all the films, especially Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.
